informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan
kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk pesan
pendek (short message)
1. Is Rio going to go home on time ?

A. No, he isn't
B. Yes, he is
C. No, he won't
D. Yes, he will
2. What is the main purpose of the text ?
A. Giving announcement
B. Giving information
C. Giving invitation
D. Giving advertisement
3. What is the main idea of the text ?

A. Tom could not join the school camping.
B. Bill could not join the school camping.
C. Tom would join the school camping
D. Tony would join the school camping
4. Who is the message for ?
A. Tom
B. Bill
C. Tony
D. The reader
5. Why didn't Ranty attend the party ?

A. Because she asked an apology
B. Because she was sick
C. Because she didn't get the invitation
D. Because she doesn't like party
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